2014-04-01  浏览:312
 ALLIED MOTION ALLIED MOTION电机、ALLIED MOTION马达、ALLIED MOTION驱动器、ALLIED MOTION步进电机、ALLIED MOTION齿轮箱、ALLIED MOTION伺服驱动器、ALLIED MOTION伺服电机 上海智川工贸有限公司优势供应美国ALLIED MOTION电机、ALLIED MOTION马达、ALLIED MOTION驱动器、ALLIED MOTION步进电机、ALLIED MOTION齿轮箱、ALLIED MOTION伺服驱动器、ALLIED MOTION伺服电机。美国ALLIED MOTION是世界著名的运动控制专业厂商。主要产品有:COPI编码器、伺服驱动器、伺服电机、Megaflux大扭矩无刷电机、无刷直流电机、永磁直流电机等。ALLIED MOTION电机、直流无刷电机、无芯直流电机、铁芯直流电机、同步马达、扭力电机、伺服马达、驱动器、步进电机、齿轮箱、编码器. Motor Maintenance Kit, 230V, for ZU4 ZU4-series, portable electric Z-Class pumps ZU4-series, portable electric Z-Class pumps ... reservoirs: 4, 8, 10, 20, 40 litres usable oil ZU4 applications: for intermittent duty cycle and high speed applications ... transport is required and/or on remote locations ZU4 standard electric: manual valve ZU4 electric with LCD: manual ... ZU4-series, portable electric Z-Class pumps * High-efficiency two speed pump: higher oil flow and bypass pressure: 11,5 l/min at 7 bar; 8,8 l/min at 50 bar; 1,0 l/min at 700 bar * 1,25 kW universal motor: high power-to-weight ratio, excellent low-voltage operating characteristics * Moulded composite shroud: ergonomic, non-conductive handle for easy transport * Steel reservoirs: 4, 8, 10, 20, 40 litres usable oil * ZU4 applications: for intermittent duty cycle and high speed applications with medium to large size cylinders and tools, and when frequent pump transport is required and/or on remote locations * ZU4 standard electric: manual valve * ZU4 electric with LCD: manual or solenoid valves. Back-lit LCD provides self test, diagnostic and read-out capabilities * For special requirements many pump options available ALLIED MOTION现货、ALLIED MOTION价格、ALLIED MOTION厂家、ALLIED MOTION代理、ALLIED MOTION经销、ALLIED MOTION型号 ALLIED MOTION spot、ALLIED MOTION manufacturer、ALLIED MOTION distribution、ALLIED MOTION agent、ALLIED MOTION price、ALLIED MOTION model ALLIED MOTION motor, ALLIED MOTION motor, ALLIED MOTION drive






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